This guide explains how to set up a blog using Hugo and PaperMod, configure Netlify to deploy it, and link a custom domain to your Netlify site. You can also watch the step-by-step video by theplaybook on YouTube.

Install Hugo

On MacOS :

brew install hugo

On Windows :

choco install hugo

On Linux :

sudo apt install hugo

Create a New Site

hugo new site portfolio -f yml
  • Run hugo new site <site_name> to create a new Hugo site in the <site_name> directory. The -f yml option specifies YAML for configuration instead of the default TOML files. For more details, check the Hugo documentation.

  • Leave the baseurl field in config.yml empty for now.

Create a New Page

hugo new docs/
  • Generate a new page with hugo new <filename>.
  • Open and set draft: false to ensure the page renders.
  • Add some content to
  • You can preview the site locally with hugo server at localhost:1313, though it may show layout errors without a theme.

Install a Theme

git init
git clone themes/PaperMod --depth=1
git submodule add --depth=1 themes/PaperMod
  • Initialize a Git repository with git init.
  • Install the PaperMod theme using the commands above or choose a theme from the Hugo Themes.
theme: PaperMod
  • Add theme: PaperMod to your config.yml file.

Configure Netlify to Deploy the Site

Create a Git Repository and Initialize Git

echo "# README" >>
git add
git commit -m "first commit"
git branch -M main
git remote add origin <path_to_your_git_repo>
git push -u origin main
  • Set up a Git repository on GitHub, create a README file, add the remote, and push your initial commit.

Set Up Netlify for Deployment

  1. Create a Netlify Account: If you don’t have a Netlify account, sign up at Netlify.

  2. Link Your Repository: Go to the Netlify dashboard, click “New site from Git,” and connect your GitHub repository.

  3. Configure Build Settings:

    • Build Command: hugo
    • Publish Directory: public
    • Site Name: <your-preferred-name>
  4. Update baseurl: In your config.yml, set the baseurl to your custom domain. Netlify enforces HTTPS, so the URL should use https.

baseurl: ''
  1. Deploy the Site: Netlify will build and deploy your site automatically. After deployment, Netlify will provide a URL for your site.

After committing and pushing the config.yml update, Netlify will rebuild and deploy your site. It might take some time for DNS changes to propagate and for your custom domain to start working.

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